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Faculty Spotlight: Dan Thomas

  • Faculty Spotlight
Faculty Spotlight: Dan Thomas

College/ Degrees? B.A. in Sports Management from North Central College; M.A. in Sports Administration from St.Thomas University

Years of service to FA? This is my 4th year teaching at FA. 

Subject(s) taught: Math

Other roles you have at FA: Head Varsity Boys’ Basketball Coach; member of the “Chain Gang” for the football team; Frye Hall dorm team member; former live-in dorm parent in Chase

Fun fact: Mr. Thomas’ college teammate, Jack Taylor, set the record for points scored in a college basketball game:138.  The following year, Mr. Thomas was on the team, and together, he and Jack scored 111 points in one game.  (Only two were Mr. Thomas’, but no one needs to know that).

Background: Mr. Thomas grew up in a suburb outside Chicago with his mom, dad, and older brother.  It was a wonderful home, and he fondly recalls his childhood.  He moved away for college (Grinnell College in Iowa), but being away made him miss home, so he moved back to be near his family and finish school closer to home. After undergrad, he moved to Miami to complete his master’s degree. While in Miami, he was on staff at St. Thomas University as an assistant coach for the men's basketball program. For many summers, Mr. Thomas worked at a camp in Naples, Maine, called Camp Skylemar, serving first as a basketball counselor and later as an athletic director.  This is where Mr. Thomas met Ms. Shepherd, who works at FA in the Residential Life program.  Mr. Thomas and Ms. Shepherd married just a few weeks ago at Camp Skylemar; they live on campus with their French Bulldog, Slugger.

Why did you become a teacher? When I first started college, I was a math major with an education minor.  I decided to change my focus, but I always liked working with kids and was passionate about basketball, so when I heard a coaching position was open at Fryeburg Academy, I applied.  FA was also looking for a math teacher; I had the right background for that role.

What is your favorite class to teach and why? I loved teaching Finite Math.  Those students were mature and motivated, but FA's class is no longer offered.  Now, my favorite is math class in the Arrow Program.  I connect with those kids.  The class is small, so I can get to know them.  I can see how they feel each day and how they go at a speed right for the group.  

How would you describe yourself as a teacher? Goofy.  Efficient.  Fair. I've been called a chameleon by my friends because I can change my form to be able to connect with different kinds of people. I also give everyone the benefit of the doubt - more than once. Working with kids for so long has also given me a lot of patience. 

How do you motivate your students? I motivate students by telling them how I motivated myself: Athletics motivated me.  I wanted to remain eligible so I could play sports.  I tell students that if they want to be able to do what they love, they have to get the other work done.  If the student is a non-athlete, I ask what interests them and take the same approach.  I also ensure that students know that tests will be just like homework, so the tests will be no problem if they do the homework.  I teach students that sometimes, we have to do things we don’t want to do.  They will all get a job someday, and they won’t always want to do what they are being asked, but if you don’t, you won’t be able to do the fun things you want. 

Advice for students? “Doing the right thing is never wrong.” - Ted Lasso